Kinkade: Conflicts in Family Businesses

In preparing for The NACS Show, Ann Kinkade observed that well-managed conflict in a family business presents many of the same benefits of a controlled burn, a practice used to control the health of prairies and forests.

Families working together in business benefit when they recognize that properly managed conflict provides an opportunity for growth, discussion and learning. When things start to heat up or when the sparks start to fly, the best thing to do is to pause and commit to coming back to the conversation when the smoke has cleared. But without the commitment to come back and “control the burn,” the familiar unwanted weeds and invasive species will thrive. newsletter

Read the article: Controlling the ‘Burn’ of Conflicts in Family Businesses (.pdf)

All family business members have a duty to be intentional about legacy

In your family business, it matters both what gets done and why it gets done. Ann Kinkade discusses the “family effect” which is the secret sauce that appeals to stakeholders (family, owners, employees, the community, customers and suppliers). In her article she poses questions: How do we leverage the family effect and transfer our values across generations? and “for the sake of what?”. Answering these foundational questions reveals values and the meaning behind actions.

Read the article by Ann Kinkade: Family Business Magazine, October 2015

EMERGING BUSINESSES, LUCID LEGACY CONSULTING: Family businesses are her business

Ann Kinkade partners with colleagues from around the nation to address complex family dynamics and to work on emotional topics such as legacy creation, clarifying roles, accountability, future vision and defining stewardship.

Read the article by Jill Carlson: Wisconsin State Journal

Kinkade: Passing the baton to new leaders at family-owned firms must be planned carefully to ensure a smooth changeover

Kinkade outlines factors for a seamless family business generational transition in July-Sept 2014 Chemical Distributor article.

Read the article by Will Beacham ICIS London: Seamless Transition (.pdf)

Financial Times leans on the expertise of Ann Kinkade

In the feature of the week article  Family concerns come second to cult of the entrepreneur, the Financial Times quoted Ann Kinkade of Lucid Legacy Consulting as an important source of information.

Read the  article by Emma Boyde:  Financial Times